admin by admin

It’s great to see our new padel courts and pavilion being so extensively used, and wonderful to have a professional team now running the clubs day to day operations. There’s still much more we’d like to do, and as our our operations have expanded, so has the importance of keeping members in touch with club news and developments. We are launching an enhanced social media programme, and you are now reading the first edition of our monthly newsletter.

Equipping, staffing and managing the much larger operation we have become, has been a major challenge. We are getting there, though we knew the first year would and involve significant change and testing of member’s preferences.

I’m delighted that the special spirit of our club seems to have survived intact and we have more volunteers than ever running our teams and social programmes. The club championships were really well attended and successful and there was a magnificent response to Liz and Jon’s 24 hour charity challenge. Thank you again to all who helped. Maintaining and building the supportive  atmosphere at the club remains at the heart of all we do.

We encourage and welcome feedback to help us get things right, so please keep it coming!

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